Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wolky Sandals How Can I Clean Stinky, Expensive Sandals?

How can I clean stinky, expensive sandals? - wolky sandals

My feet are sweaty, and now the model of expensive sandals (Wolky) - $ 140 for the love of God - it stinks. I tried soap and water, alcohol, even its own enzyme I use to clean my dog's accidents. What can you do about this issue annual sandal? Is there something I can get rid of this smell? I will not draw expensive pair after pair of shoes!


Madame M said...

Sunbathing can work wonders. Also, they say, to neutralize acid (eg vinegar) to odors. OTOH, they also say bicarbonate neutralizes odors.

Take a pair of old socks, fill with baking soda and tie it. (You can also try to store dried beans or dried leaf tea.) So if your shoes can, after use, so with socks in the sandals of soda to absorb odors from others. Do not wear sandals in two days in a row. If you want to use every day, you buy two pairs of sandals, and on other days.

Before your shoes, make sure that your feet cool and clean. Give them a bath of vinegar and apply a little oil of tea tree or lavender oil to ensure (the first test, in order that they fail to respond, but in general) are very mild oil. And in the course of the day, you can feet clean with a damp cloth or a damp cloth. If you have athlete's foot, there are things you can do to resolve this problem. This often leads to a big stink.

I hope that helps! I was stinky too, but it seems thatnot so bad at the time.

Madame M said...

Sunbathing can work wonders. Also, they say, to neutralize acid (eg vinegar) to odors. OTOH, they also say bicarbonate neutralizes odors.

Take a pair of old socks, fill with baking soda and tie it. (You can also try to store dried beans or dried leaf tea.) So if your shoes can, after use, so with socks in the sandals of soda to absorb odors from others. Do not wear sandals in two days in a row. If you want to use every day, you buy two pairs of sandals, and on other days.

Before your shoes, make sure that your feet cool and clean. Give them a bath of vinegar and apply a little oil of tea tree or lavender oil to ensure (the first test, in order that they fail to respond, but in general) are very mild oil. And in the course of the day, you can feet clean with a damp cloth or a damp cloth. If you have athlete's foot, there are things you can do to resolve this problem. This often leads to a big stink.

I hope that helps! I was stinky too, but it seems thatnot so bad at the time.

MT C said...

Probably a purchase of less expensive shoes, that would not feel bad throw to the best idea. If things leather, it can be difficult to damn it out.

Crybaby Bob said...

Here is the result of the eHow. Soda takes odors in the refrigerator if they are working on in their sandals.

Step 1: Wash Shoes - inside and out - with soap, detergent and bleach.
STEP 2: Sprinkle in shoes liberally with baking soda or baking. Allowed to stand and shake before using it again.
Step 3: Shoe Spray daily with disinfectants and deodorizers specially designed for foot odor problems. Bonding Step 4: foot powder specially designed for the odor problems of the foot to the other and / or shoes per day.

amaridge... said...

The skin absorbs the smell .. EBU think SO!

Michelle G said...

Go to a grocery store and saddle soap. Do you believe that not sweating horses?

lennie said...

Please send us an email and we will answer your question as soon as possible, especially within 24 hours.
Not knowing what material are the sandals he was not sure, as I said, this.i you respond with a damp cloth and run vinegarand white on the inside of the sandal, then dry them well. or use baking soda or one of them a good job of odors. Maybe put baking soda in them and let them all night.That usually helps absorb odors. And so you baking soda instead of powder on his legs.

lennie said...

Please send us an email and we will answer your question as soon as possible, especially within 24 hours.
Not knowing what material are the sandals he was not sure, as I said, this.i you respond with a damp cloth and run vinegarand white on the inside of the sandal, then dry them well. or use baking soda or one of them a good job of odors. Maybe put baking soda in them and let them all night.That usually helps absorb odors. And so you baking soda instead of powder on his legs.

Boycott Hollywd Commies said...

Bake in the sun and sprayed Fabrezan.

Amber Eyes said...

I have not the perfect solution, but I found the people honestly.

I have leather / suede cleaner sticks (they look like erasers, and then after that things got out of the dust that does not work for odor control, use the brush.) This is a temporary solution and do this is whenever you.

I also tried to be happy of Clorox Fresh Care and Febreze, the work, but to make the leather softer initially a bit crispy.

Good luck.

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